Genomics of Outbreaks
Population genomics of outbreaks in an emerging model system – neutral and adaptive evolution in spruce bark beetle
See details in Open positions.

Finally! Inversion crazy genome paper is out 🙂 Congratulations to the best team 🙂

We have another grant! “Genomics of eco-evolutionary dynamics in spruce bark beetle” OPUS grant has been founded by NCN! I am looking for a postdoc!

Preprint alert! you can find it here. Absolutely crazy inversion landscape in spruce bark beetle. The first preprint from our team. Special congratulations to Anastasiia and Piotr and many thanks to all the people who contributed!
We examine genome-wide variation in the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus, scan for polymorphic inversions, and test whether inversions are involved in key adaptations in this species. We identified 27 polymorphic inversions covering at least 28% of the genome. The inversions vary in size and in levels of intra-inversion recombination, are highly polymorphic across the species range, and often overlap, forming an extremely complex genomic architecture. We show that the heterogeneous inversion landscape is likely maintained by the combined action of several evolutionary forces and that inversions are enriched in odorant receptor genes encoding key elements of recognition pathways for host plants, mates, and symbiotic fungi. Read to find out more!

Krystyna attended a fantastic meeting on small populations.Â
Check Krystyna’s talk here

It was a busy spring semester and summer. A lot of conferences, talks and posters. Prepering several manuscripts! Stay tunned!

Our work featured on the NCN webpage here 🙂Â

TALK Alert!
The whole lab participated in a fantastic PopGen54 meeting (on-line) and Anastasiia gave a talk about our new results. See it here if you are interested (starts around 20 minutes in).

Congratulations to Anastasiia who has just received a Preludium grant for young researchers without PhD. She will be estimating spruce bark beetle mutation rate based on the pedigree data and whole genome sequences. Good luck!Â

We are happy to say that Julia Morales will join the lab in September to start her PhD. Julia, we are looking forward to welcoming you in Kraków!

It was the last day for Ola in the lab today. She is starting a new job tomorrow. Ola, you did an amazing job in the lab with DNA extractions, library preparations, kits testing and many many more! Thank you and good luck with future adventures!

It has been a very difficult field season. Lost packages, delayed shipping, dead beetles, unfriendly weather, all in the middle of pandemic…  However, thanks to Ola Bednarz and all our amazing collaborators in the filed, we managed to sample and extracted DNA from >1000 beetles from 18 populations across Europe! THANK YOU!Â
We are almost ready to sequence the first batch of our data!

All the beautiful photos of trees and beetles were provided by Gilles San Martin.